But now I'm on the other end of goodbye.
Now she goes off into the unknown, to places that those of us back here will never understand, no matter how detailed her e-mails, descriptions, and blog posts. To places full of people that she'll never see again once that window of time passes, but she'll have to invest herself into them anyways. To her, the unusual will become the norm.
I've been on that side of goodbye.
I'm on a different side, now.
The side of being so full of love for somebody as she follows God's purpose.
The side of asking Abba to take care of the friend I care for so much.
The side of support, sacrifice, and surrender.
I was thinking about that -- how awesome it is to experience the surrendering of a friendship for God's glory and purpose. Hard. Difficult. But so wonderful.
It's like the dark side of the moon, this side of goodbye.
But here I am, and it ain't that bad.
And so, Hello Goodbye.