Okay, so I know that many (if not all) of my posts center on Christian topics. Not sure why I'm writing this, because if you weren't interested I would just be tuned out anyways. Ultimately, I have decided to fully embrace what I believe to be true with all my heart, and these writings flow from those convictions.
Anyways - on to lunacy. The moon, that is. As we know, it does not emit its own light but rather reflects light from the sun. Perhaps you've even heard the metaphor behind my post, that Christians ought to live life this way - reflecting divine light.
Okay, now roll with me. I have pondered this metaphor for a while. We do indeed reflect that light, but so much of the original is maintained. What of the total eclipse -- where the moon is completely lost in the sun, where its features are no longer discernible, but all that can be seen in the sun's radiance around it?
Not sure if I'm 100% happy with either metaphor -- probably a mixture of the two. But I think the thing for me is the surrendering of my own identity. To not be identified as the moon by my craters and such, but to be completely lost in His glory.
(Interior monologue: Don't say those things! All you'll make people think is that you're a religious lunatic! Haha - lunatic! Nice pun, considering your subject matter.)