Thursday, December 1, 2011

Can...or Will?

I've heard it taught more than once that when a person prays for healing, faith isn't so much believing that God can do something as that He cares and that He will do something. That something might not look like what we hope for or what we desire, because His ways are so much higher than our ways, but He does act.

I was driving home from assisting with our Youth Group last night and was thinking about my future with God and His Kingdom. The destiny that God has for the real me (the one I can become if I embrace Him fully - the one I was meant to be without sin and clothed in His power and glory) is there. I can do it. I have no doubt.

But for me, it seems, the question is not so much whether I can, but in whether I will. That has always been the question. Will I step up? I know I have giftings. So many gifts. I can do the things, and even more so with the power of God in me as the Holy Spirit fills me.

But will I use them?
Will I accept responsibility?
Will I take action?
Will I accept the costs of building the kingdom of Jesus and warring against the kingdom of Satan?

I've been quite good at finding what I can do comfortably. I can travel the world comfortably, by myself, make new connections, or go on international journeys with nobody connected to me. I can excel academically, write award winning work, soar and achieve the utmost.

But, given the opportunity, what will I do? Will I really lay it all down in surrender to the one who paid for me? Will I really pour myself out into the next generation in faith that my efforts will not be in vain? Will I really?

It is a choice. I have free will. There is a destiny available -will I seize it?