Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Withstanding the Fire...

Turns out that what I wrote about that verse in Corinthians a while ago was really a promise about the semester.

I do feel like I've been put through some fire. Fire reveals infrastructure. It reveals what we're made of. God and I have both seen my infrastructure, I feel. Flaws? Definitely. I've found out that I'm not necessarily a person of my word, and I want to be. I think this has been a part of me for a while, but it has (in my mind and observation) come more apparent this semester.

I'm also a bit of a liar. And that was disappointing.

But may those things be burned off. May all that is left be that which will withstand fire.

1 comment:

  1. Your honesty here shows a heart that is willing to change. Thanks for sharing, Dawnlight... I have full confidence in the work that God is doing in your heart and know that He will complete it to perfection. I love you!
