Thursday, October 7, 2010

Building to Withstand the Test of Fire

A few days ago, I read 1 Corinthians 3. The verses about building upon the foundation of Christ really stood out to me, but I didn't quite know why until this morning.

Currently, I am in the process of seeking God for what to do with my life after college. The conversation has gone something like:

Me (around the end of August):"God? I'm graduating soon. What should I do?"
God: "Just be still."
Me: Okay....

Me (Midway through September): "Still being still, God."
God: "Good for you."

God (End of September): "Feel free to start researching different options."
Me: Okay.....

God: "So all of those walls you have built up, the ones against being a leader and such? Yeah, those aren't from me, by the way."
Me: Okay....

God: "So that fear that you have, that I will have you martyred for your faith in China? Have faith in me."
Me: Okay....

A brief synopsis.

I am still uncertain. So uncertain. But I realized this morning why those verses stuck out to me earlier this week. That foundation of my life, my relationship with Jesus as my Saviour, has finally set. For a while, it was still wet concrete, but now it is solid and ready to be built upon. As God would have it, it lines up with a perfect time in my life where I get to chose my building materials (another key part of those verses -- what do you build upon the foundation with? precious stones? gold? silver? wood? straw?).

In particular, there comes a part where Paul writes that a man's workmanship will be tested by fire.

"If any man's work abide which he hath built upon,
he shall receive a reward." v. 14

As I build this life upon the foundation of Jesus, I want to build it to withstand that fire. I want to build in a way that is worthy of the price that Jesus paid to redeem this life from death.

I'm confident that my God will show me what to do. He will show me my nontransferable assignment.

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